From the Editor’s Desk…

My journey with the Slippery Rock Gazette started in 1998 after an introduction to Doug Slocum, founder of Braxton-Bragg (now BB Industries LLC).

Doug was in dire need of someone to take over his product catalog production in mid-stream, and by the way, he said, I have this newspaper called the Slippery Rock Gazette that I publish. I might also need some Braxton-Bragg product ads for it. Would you be interested?  Yes sir, I would...

I took off running and redesigned the BB catalog, updated the corporate logo, created a new monthly publication we called the Braxton-Bragg Express, and designed many, many BB Slippery Rock ads over the next 2 years… as well as 3 catalogs, and 2 bridge saw blade designs. You get the picture.

In short: Doug kept me pretty busy. 

Finally, in 2000, Mr. Slocum “made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.” 

I lugged my 2 computers over to Tazewell Pike and set up operations next to Doug’s office. And 24 years later, publishing 12 issues a year, this March edition of the Slippery Rock Gazette marks my 300th issue. I am also retiring this month, and sadly, t­his is the final issue of the SRG in print.

Welcome To Slippery Rock

To the hundreds of shop owners, fabricators and associated businesses, stone carvers  and inventors I have met along the way, thank you for a priceless education in the very unique trade called the stone industry.

To my colleagues at BBI, my dedicated writers – indeed, the hundred or so writers whom I’ve published over my career – thank you for helping to enrich the body of knowledge and best practices for the stone industry. I am proud and blessed beyond measure to have played some small part in that.

During my tenure as editor I have operated on the premise that whether you are a small custom shop or a Big Dog in the industry, and you are Doing It Right, you have a story worth telling.  I am satisfied that the  Slippery Rock has been able give the wider industry a voice. 

And I’m satisfied that we have lived up to our Motto, “The Beacon of the Stone Industry.”

To my colleagues over the years who have helped carry the load of a grinding monthly schedule – Stacie, William, Gina, Pete, and lastly, Andrea: thanks for your support and vision. We have done what might seem impossible for such a small crew. In over 25 years, we haven’t missed a single monthly issue.

Enjoy this March edition as we spotlight the fine folks at Heiar Custom Countertops – a small shop doing mighty big work. It’s a good way to finish.

Larry Hood

Larry Hood